Saturday, December 22, 2007


I put forth the idea sometime ago that, "my life is very much like a musical." Not in the since that I go around singing all of the time, ( just most of the time). The idea was more accurately described as; in my mind everything is set to a song, or has an instrumental score. Many laughed and poked fun at the idea. Still it is the reality in my life, and I love every minute of it!!!
I recently saw a movie, August Rush, it would certainly fall in to the Chick flick, sappy kind of movie that most of my friends try to avoid. This sweet little movie, for me, was full of hope and faith, and the main character heard music in everything, which made my day. So, if you want to know me a little better go see it! Hear what I hear and look for some music of your own.
I'm not far away singing!!!!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


I wrote this several days ago and then took it down the next day because it did not seem like a complete thought. You see, this, as strange as it may seem was written about my church. A church that has not really in practical terms my church. I live 4 hours away, and rarely go. It was however the church that I felt a part of for years and honestly the best church going experience I have ever had. I do miss it terribly. I do love those who are a part of it with all of my heart. I will always in some way feel a part of this church, i can't just cut that out.
He has begun some new things in me and given me a real desire to part of a church in the community I live in. He has shown me over the past few months while they may walk through difficult times, an d begin new things that the LORD is talking care of things in that church. Given people places to serve and be loved and love one another. Nothing can fill my heart with more joy. Than to see HIM taking care of the ones I love so much.
He is prompting me to be a part of a church here. Pray for me friends, I have to be brave, and begin again in a new community. Know i LOVE you, and always will. I know I always have a home there with you dear ones.

Not a part of your life, your priorities, your anything.
It's OK, it's just a change, a realization, you could say.
It's time to be part of something new, let go what I have been holding on to so tightly.
You don't need me to be part of your anything.
You're doing great, in all parts of your everything.

so what now,
it's time to really be apart
it's time to make being apart, a real part of my life!

Thank you LORD for giving me the desire to be a part of something else, and for being continuing to lead me even when I don't want to listen...