Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I wish I understood why, when I am really tired, just worn out from the day, that I want nothing more than your strong arms around me. Wish I could stop dreaming of you and things that I come across throughout my day didn't make me think of you. Wish I didn't want to share my life and dreams and hopes with you.

I hope that whoever you are that I recognize you, when you come into my life. If we have already met I hope I am patient until you are ready for whatever HE has in mind. I pray that we are freely exactly who HE made us to be, to honor HIM, and love one another and HIM. I pray until then it is HIS strong arms I dream of around me, and the things I see remind me of the ONE who created them for me to see. I pray that I share my life, dreams and hopes with HIM first above all...