Monday, September 26, 2005

I have two thoughts to write about today. One has been a constant lately in my life and is very silly the other is new and not silly at all... So thought one. It occurs to me that music plays a huge role in our lives we worship with it, are excited, sad, and angry with it, Music can envoke every emotion I can think of from patriotism to Love and everything in between. So why not live our lives as musicals. I am sure most people do not do this but as i go though my day I have this internal soundtrack playing and yes I admit it have been known to break out in song without even realizing it. Just think how fun would it be if we all greeted each other with a song rather than a meaningless, HI, How are You? Just a thought..... On to the more serious.. I got some news today very sad news. I work with children I also work with addicts and their families. These two worlds do not collide very often or so I thought. Today I found out that a very young relative of a student of mine died from an overdose. Someone who could have been in one of the groups that I work with who could have gotten help. Not that I could have fixed this person or was ever responsible. I guess my big issue is, Why are these two parts of my life so seperate GOD put me in both for a reason why did I not force them to at least know about each other. I am so mad at myself for not see the BIG PICTURE .... I hate that it took this to show me

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